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Groove and Play: Transform Classic Games with a Musical Twist

Groove and Play

Let’s go to the disco and dance our hearts out! There are so many ways to celebrate music, like playing a musical instrument or singing in the shower. In fact, music is so flexible that you can easily combine it with playground and field games to invent new ways to play. As the new school year starts, try out these fun and familiar games with a musical twist!

Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light (Music Edition): Pair your favorite tunes to start and stop this classic playground game. For this game, you need a big playing field, a few players, and a pair of carefully listening ears!

  1. Choose a player to be the Stoplight/DJ.
  2. Have players start on one end of the field, opposite the stoplight.
  3. The stoplight should be faced away while music plays. Players may move towards the Stoplight.
  4. When the music stops, the Stoplight turns around and looks for players who are still moving. Players immediately freeze in place when music stops.
  5. Players caught moving goes back to the start.
  6. The goal is to be the first one to make it to the finish line!

Musical Chairs: Another classic game with the need for speed. All you need is a few chairs placed in a circle (one less than the number of players in the game) and a DJ.

  1. Players circle the chairs while music is playing.
  2. When the music stops, hurry over and sit down on one of the chairs.
  3. The player with no chair is out of the game.
  4. The goal is to be the last person with a chair!

A Musical Twist Hot Potato: While the name is Hot Potato, you don’t necessarily need an actual potato. In fact, you can use virtually anything small and easy to hold.  Elect a DJ, sit in a circle and make sure to listen carefully!

  1. First, players sit in a circle.
  2. One player starts the game with the ‘hot potato’. When the music starts, the player can pass the ‘hot potato’ onto the next person.
  3. When the music stops, the person holding the ‘hot potato’ is out.
  4. Try to be the last person standing!


Freeze Dance: The name describes this game exactly as it is, a game where you freeze and dance. All you need is space to dance and a DJ.

  1. Make sure to have a space that’s big enough for all players to move freely.
  2. When the music plays, encourage all the players to dance freely.
  3. When the music stops, make sure to strike a pose and don’t move!
  4. Players caught moving are out.
  5. Try to be the last dancer on the dance floor!

Now that you’ve learned all about the musical twists to these classic games, don’t hesitate to try them out with your friends and family! Make sure to add your special twists and have fun along the way! It’s sure to be a good time for everyone!

Kids Quest | 09.26.2024 at 2:03pm
That is a great idea!
| 09.20.2024 at 6:22pm
Sounds awesome but what about doing this in age groups because 10 Year olds may not realize that the 4 year old They are competing against are under them during all the excitement. Just a thought.
| 09.12.2024 at 10:14am
I love it so much.