Movie night is a favorite activity in most households. It’s great group fun as we begin to gather family and friends for Thanksgivin...
This is going to be Incredibles! Join us as we focus on the wonderful world of Pixar throughout the month of November! We’ll be maki...
*Always accompany your child while they go hunting for candy, or have another adult serve as a companion. Halloween is fun for most, b...
It’s about to get silly and spooky at Kids Quest! We’re hosting a howling good time throughout the month of October as we dress up...
Halloween is second only to Christmas when it comes to holiday excitement. How can you not be super pumped for free candy and the chan...
Enter to win our Post Your Pumpkin Instagram Contest by carving, painting, or adding silly stuff to your jack-o-lantern. Once your masterpiece is camera ready, snap it and post it with the hashtag, #KQPostYo...
I don’t need to tell you that parenting is a demanding, full-time job. There is work to be done at home on every front—shopping, c...
There is a chance many of today’s parents played Pokémon as children, but some moms and dads might not be too clear on the little c...
One of the best things about the kitchen is that so many wonderful things take place there. In honor of our Kids Quest Grossology them...
We’re gettin’ gross the month of August as we explore icky stuff that is fun and fascinating! The exploration never ends when your...