Looking for weekday excitement? Look no further! Monday to Thursday from 3:00-7:00 PM, visit Kids Quest or Cyber Quest for doub...
Calling all cartoon characters! This September, we’re featuring animated activities, glorious games, and comic crafts. Join us at Ki...
Transitioning from a carefree summer to a structured school routine can be challenging for both children and parents. As the new schoo...
Yeehaw! Join us at Kids Quest for a month filled with giddy-up games, rodeo relays, and cowboy crafts. We’ll wrangle in some wild we...
Back to School Raffle It’s time to start thinking about going back to school, but don’t worry, we’ve got something e...
Science experiments provide an incredible opportunity for children to engage in hands-on learning, explore the world around them, and ...
Embark on a patriotic adventure during our Star Search event at Kids Quest! July 1 – 30, find all 10 hidden stars for a chance t...
We’ve got the formula for fun! All month long, Kids Quest will feature silly science experiments and kooky lab creations. We’ll di...
Things are getting wild at Kids Quest! Throughout the month of June, we’ll explore the great outdoors with crazy critter crafts, jun...
This summer, we will be providing guests with a Summer Throwback Stamp Card for the chance to win one of three Nintendo Switch OLED Co...