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News & Events

Cyber Quest Rewards Your Child for Good Grades

Rewards for Good Grades

Program Update March 1, 2025!

Study hard, play harder – because success deserves to be celebrated!

Report card aces, get ready for some serious button-mashing at Cyber Quest! Bring in your report card, and we’ll load up $5.00 of Bonus Play on a Club Card just for you! Did you earn 5 A grades this semester? Congrats, we’ll give you another $5.00 in Bonus Play for $10.00 total!🏆 Dive into fun and snag some awesome prizes in our Prize Zone. Because after all that studying, a little playtime is totally necessary!

Disclaimer Additional rules apply. Limit one redemption per semester (max four times per year). Proper electronic copy accepted. Club Card must be registered at the time of redemption. Report Card must be redeemed within 45 days of term ending date. Report cards only; progress reports and/or other mid-term status reports not valid.


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Kids Quest | 01.23.2025 at 4:29pm
Hello! Yes, we will accept this standards based grading scale. Which location are you thinking of visiting so that we can give out team a heads up?
Kids Quest | 01.16.2025 at 4:36pm
Hello! Yes, we do accept home school report cards! Please just being in something related to a class or a report card. We accept report cards once per quarter.
| 01.15.2025 at 3:39pm
Are homeschool report cards accepted? We love kids quest and homeschool
Kids Quest | 11.17.2023 at 9:40am
Yes, all of our locations should be participating in this. The report cards should be shown at the end of the semester to be eligible for the bonus credits.
| 11.10.2023 at 7:13pm
Are you still doing it? I was told at Bethlehem one no or not yet.
| 09.20.2023 at 2:56pm
Are homeschool report cards accepted?
Kids Quest | 11.24.2021 at 1:49pm
Our staff will be able to accommodate for the variation in the grading scale!
| 11.18.2021 at 2:39pm
What if your grade school does number grades. 4=A, 3=B, 2=C.
Kids Quest | 06.05.2020 at 9:15am
Please get in touch with us regarding your Cyber Quest Club Card - <a href="https://www.kidsquest.com/contact/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">kidsquest.com/contact/</a>
| 05.31.2020 at 9:38pm
I could not use my card for any reason whatsoever