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News & Events

Dinosaurs Prehistoric Adventures at Kids Quest

Every kid has a favorite dinosaur, or is it just us? Anyway, we’re taking a leap back in time to bring paleontology to life weekends in November. We’ll be making boredom extinct with paleo-themed games, crafts, activities, and maybe even a silly T-Rex visitor will come for photo ops with dino-props.

Activities and times vary by location. Please call the center directly for more information.

For specific center location event details, visit facebook.com/KidsQuestInc/locations/ 

For more information on your nearest location and pricing, visit kidsquest.com/locations/ 

This event is included in the price of our hourly child care rate unless otherwise stated. As we are a drop-off, hourly child care center, no adults or parents will be admitted into this event. We operate on a first-come-first-serve basis and do not offer advanced tickets or reservations. 


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Kids Quest | 11.22.2022 at 12:49pm
Our centers should have activities going for all age ranges.
| 11.03.2022 at 8:32am
What age is this for? My boy is 2 1/2 years old