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News & Events

Family FunSpot: Pretzel Pine Trees

Pretzel Pine Trees

Pretzel Pine Trees

In this week’s FunSpot we’ll create some tree treats that are sure to be a hit!


  • Pretzel sticks
  • Green candy melts or white candy melts and green food coloring
  • Sprinkles
  • Parchment paper
  • Ziploc bag


Place pretzels on parchment paper

Melt candy melts in the microwave in 10-second increments

Optional, add green food coloring to the melted candy

Pour melted candy into a Ziploc bag, cut the tip of a corner

Zigzag melted chocolate over pretzel sticks to create trees

Add sprinkles to the trees

Let cool until hardened


Post a photo of your activity to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #KQFun #KQFamilyFunSpot and tag us @kidsquestinc!


Snow Photo Ornament

Snow Photo Ornaments

Trim your tree with a personal touch in this week’s Fun Spot!


  • Plastic ornaments
  • Epsom salt
  • Snow figurines
  • Photo
  • String


Take and cut out the desired photo

Pour Epsom salt into the ornament to create snow

Place figurines, photo, etc. in empty ornament and use a pen to adjust them if needed

Secure the ornament closed with the cap

Tie the string to the ornament cap and hang it!

Post a photo of your activity to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #KQFun #KQFamilyFunSpot and tag us @kidsquestinc!


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