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Family FunSpot November

Family FunSpot November

Unicorn Dreamcatcher


Let’s start dreaming! Watch our video below and learn how to make an adorable dreamcatcher. Materials are easy to find and economical too.

You will need:

  • 8” wooden embroidery hoop (Available at craft or fabric stores)
  • Multi-color yarn
  • Glittery scrapbook paper
  • White tag board
  • Hot melt glue gun
  • Silk flowers (We bought ours at a dollar store)
  • Ribbon


Draw unicorn ear shapes on the white tag board and a horn shape on the glittery paper. Cut out the shapes, then cut slits on the bottom of each shape.

Using the hot glue gun, glue the unicorn ears and horn to the embroidery hoop.

Wrap yarn around the embroidery hoop to create the webbing of the dreamcatcher.

Glue flowers to the top of the embroidery hoop.

Cut ribbon and tie it to the bottom of the embroidery hoop.


Did You Have Fun Making Your Unicorn Dreamcatcher?

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