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News & Events

Galaxy Run Space Race at Kids Quest

Galaxy Run Space Race at Kids Quest and Cyber Quest

Speed your way through the competition during the Galaxy Run Space Race! Guests will compete for the high score/fastest time to become the Space Race champion! Every Saturday in February we will hold arcade game races to give you the chance to receive a FREE entry for the Grand Prize Arcade 1UP Countercade and maybe even earn a FREE slushie at Kids Quest!

Grand Prize:

One lucky guest will win an Arcade 1UP Countercade (valued at up to $229.99)

    • Choose between: Arcade1Up – Pacman Countercade 7″ Arcade, Arcade1Up – Ms. PacMan Countercade Arcade Game, or Arcade1Up – Pong 2-player Countercade

Kids Quest Entry:

The top 2 finishers in each race at Kids Quest will receive prizes as outlined below.

  • 1st Place
    • A FREE slushie at the Quest Café (use code SPACESLUSH) and 3 entries into the Grand Prize Drawing
  • 2nd Place
    • 1 entry into the Grand Prize Drawing

Race times vary by location and are up to staff discretion. All guests are eligible for participation. Kids Quest guests must be checked into the center to participate. Prize is company-wide. The raffle drawing will be held on Tuesday, March 11.


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