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News & Events

Hall of Fame Rewards Month at Cyber Quest

Hall of Fame Rewards Month at Cyber Quest

To show appreciation for our VIP guests, Cyber Quest will be extending special discounts to our MVP and Legend status players, Monday – Wednesday in November. Discounts double on Tuesdays, so be sure to circle your calendar to claim this bonus perk! Redeeming the discount is easy, just load your Cyber Quest Club Card, play longer, and win more!

Weekday Discount (Monday & Wednesday)*:

MVP cardholders will receive 5% OFF gameplay prices.

Legend cardholders will receive 10% OFF gameplay prices.

($1.00 gameplay example: MVP price $0.95 / 95 credits or Legend price $0.90 / 90 credits)

Double Discount Tuesdays*:

MVP cardholders will receive 10% OFF gameplay prices.

Legend cardholders will receive 20% OFF gameplay prices.

Discounts valid November 1 – 30. To be eligible for the discount you must be a fully registered Hall of Fame Rewards member with MVP or Legend status.

*Cyber Quest at Treasure Island Resort & Casino Weekday Discounts will be Wednesdays and Fridays, with the Double Discounts being on Thursdays.

For details on specific location events click here and select your nearest location.



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