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News & Events

At-Home Holiday Games Under $15

Stay safe at home with the family and have some fun playing these festive favorites. Whether you enjoy playing trivia or charades, we have a list full of fun ready for you this holiday season!

Digital and Print Games

Holiday Answer Battle, $9.00

ThinkGames #1 selling game. Holiday Answer Battle is a PowerPoint trivia game that includes 13 rounds. Holiday Answer Battle is customizable, once purchased, so it can be tailored to your needs and has a variety of purposes.
Purchase online: https://etsy.me/35XLRwz

Learn how to customize the content and play virtually here: https://bit.ly/3nWFMX9

Printable Snowman Matching Game, $4.50

Learning Made Fun Store has a printable snowman matching game. It’s a great interactive game for the entire family. Get bored of playing matches? Hide the pieces around the house for even more ways to play!
Purchase online: https://etsy.me/3pYShTV

Box Games

Holiday Trivia by Outset, $9.99

Do you know all the answers? This travel-size trivia game will take your family through holiday traditions, classic holiday movies, and fun questions like “What is Santa’s Favorite cookie?” Purchase online: https://amzn.to/3fxWFoq

12 Hilarious Holiday Games

12 Hilarious Holiday Games by by Beat That! Game, $10.99

This festive bundle contains 12 fun, easy-to-learn, and simple-to-play party games to get everyone in the Holiday spirit!
Purchase online: https://amzn.to/3B1AuWR


Santa Cookie Elf Candy Snowman

Santa Cookie Elf Candy Snowman Card Game by Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, $9.99

Dive into the festive season with this holiday-themed edition of our wildly popular family card game – Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza! Instead of saying “Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, or Pizza” you say “Santa, Cookie, Elf, Candy, Snowman!” Also, the three special action cards are different which provide a sprinkle of holiday cheer!
Purchase online: https://amzn.to/4ibojr0

1 Comment

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| 12.02.2020 at 6:28pm
Very Fun and Cool! Love these ideas. Thank you for sharing!