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News & Events

Name the Game Challenge at Cyber Quest

Name the Game Challenge

Here’s your chance to get up close and personal with your favorite arcade games! Every Thursday, at 1:00 PM, we’ll be asking our Cyber Quest social media followers to take a look at an extreme close-up of a portion of an arcade game. The challenge is to correctly identify the game and post your answer in the comments below. Those individuals who answer correctly will be entered into a monthly drawing to win one of many $10 Bonus Play Cyber Quest Club Card vouchers.

Social Media Profiles

Facebook: @CQArcade

Instagram: @cyberquestarcade

Twitter: @CQArcade

Monthly Prizes:

(10) Cyber Quest Club Cards loaded with $10 in Bonus Play

Name the Game Challenge Gallery

Name the Game correctly to be entered to win one of many $10 in Bonus Play vouchers. No purchase necessary to participate. Winners will be chosen at random. Drawings will be held on the first business day of the following month. For more chances to win be sure to answer on all social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Arcade game images will be posted each Thursday at 1:00 PM with the previous week’s answer being posted on or around the same time. In order to qualify to win, you must comment your answer before 1:00 PM the following week. Current period August 12, 2021 – August 4, 2022.



Add an Image (JPG, PNG, GIF)Choose file

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