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News & Events

Family FunSpot: Movie Night Popcorn Bar

Movie Night Popcorn Bar

Movie Night Popcorn Bar


What better way to enjoy that favorite flick than with a little snack? This month we are showcasing how to create a quick and easy Movie Night Popcorn Bar.  Fun topper options that the entire family will love!

Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes

You will need:

  • Popcorn
  • Serving bowls
  • Various toppings
    • 3 Fruity toppings(Gummy Bears, Skittles, Mike ‘n Ikes)
    • 3 Chocolate toppings (Mini Peanut Butter cups, Reese’s Pieces, M&Ms or Mini Kit Kats)
    • 3 Salty toppings (Pretzels, Chex Mix, Peanuts)

Movie Night Popcorn Bar_2


Scoop popcorn into bowls, allow everyone to pick their popcorn toppings! Start the movie and enjoy.

We’d love to hear from you. What are you watching this month? What are your favorite movie night treats?

Post a photo to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #KQFun #KQFamilyFunSpot and tag us @kidsquestinc!


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