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News & Events

Rolling for Turkeys at Cyber Quest

Rolling for Turkeys

Join us on Saturdays in November at 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM for a gobbling good time! Enter our Rolling for Turkeys Skee-Ball Challenge for a shot at earning some bonus play! Guests will be given three opportunities to roll a Skee-Ball to hit a specified target. Receive bonus play per target hit, hit all three, and win the big bonus!


Hit one target to receive $5.00 in Bonus Play

Hit two targets to receive $10.00 in Bonus Play

Hit all three targets to receive $20.00 in Bonus Play

MVP and Legend guests will receive a fourth roll for the chance to receive an additional $5.00 in Bonus Play

All guests are eligible for participation. No purchase necessary. Prizes are per guest, per day.


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| 11.10.2023 at 12:58am
i love how you have all of these events and things for the kids to do to earn things.
| 10.25.2023 at 10:43pm
Sounds like good fun